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Top 100 City Clubs 2024-2025
The Albany Club | Canada |
The American Club Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
The American Club Singapore | Singapore |
American Club Taipei | Taiwan |
Anglo-German Club | Germany |
Annabel's | England |
Arlington Club | USA |
The Army and Navy Club (USA) | USA |
The Arts Club | England |
The Athenaeum (UK) | England |
The Australian Club (Melbourne) | Australia |
The Australian Club (Sydney) | Australia |
Bankers Club | Malaysia |
The Beach Club (FL) | USA |
Bohemian Club | USA |
The Brisbane Club | Australia |
The Buffalo Club | USA |
Cairo Capital Club | Egypt |
The California Club | USA |
Capital Club Bahrain | Bahrain |
Capital Club Dubai | UAE |
Carlton Club | England |
Casino de Madrid | Spain |
The Center Club | USA |
Cercle Royal Gaulois | Belgium |
Cercle Suedois - Svenska Klubben | France |
Charlotte City Club | USA |
Circolo Bellini | Italy |
City Club at River Ranch | USA |
Club Baur au Lac | Switzerland |
The Club Mumbai | India |
The Club | UAE |
Cosmos Club | USA |
Dallas Petroleum Club | USA |
The Diplomatic Club | Qatar |
Duquesne Club | USA |
East India Club | England |
Financial Club Jakarta | Indonesia |
The Fort Worth Club | USA |
Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Industrie, Handel und Wissenschaft | Germany |
The Garrick Club | England |
Granite Club | Canada |
Grémio Literàrio | Portugal |
Hamilton Club of Lancaster | USA |
Harvard Club of Boston | USA |
The Hong Kong Bankers Club | Hong Kong |
The Hong Kong Club | Hong Kong |
The Hong Kong Jockey Club | Hong Kong |
The Hurlingham Club | England |
The In & Out (Naval and Military Club) | England |
International Club Berlin | Germany |
Jonathan Club | USA |
King Hussein Club | Jordan |
Kobe Club | Japan |
The Launceston Club | Australia |
Madras Club | India |
Manitoba Club | Canada |
Mark's Club | England |
Melbourne Savage Club | Australia |
Metropolitan Club | USA |
The Metropolitan Club of the City of Washington | USA |
Minneapolis Club | USA |
Moscow Capital Club | Russia |
The Mount Royal Club | Canada |
The National Club | Canada |
National Liberal Club | England |
Pacific Club | Hong Kong |
Pacific-Union Club | USA |
The Penn Club of New York | USA |
Poinsett Club | USA |
Racing Club de France | France |
The Ranchmen's Club | Canada |
Royal Automobile Club | England |
The Royal Bangkok Sports Club | Thailand |
The Royal Exchange of Sydney | Australia |
Saint James's Club of Montreal | Canada |
Shanghai Town & Country Club | China |
Sociedad Bilbaina | Spain |
Società del Giardino | Italy |
Società del Whist Accademia Filarmonica | Italy |
Stephen's Green Club | Ireland |
The Tanglin Club | Singapore |
Tattersall's Club Brisbane | Australia |
Terminal City Club | Canada |
Tokyo American Club | Japan |
Toronto Club | Canada |
The Union Club of British Columbia | Canada |
Union Club of the City of New York | USA |
Union League Club of Chicago | USA |
The Union League Club | USA |
The Union League of Philadelphia | USA |
University Club of Chicago | USA |
The University Club - New York | USA |
The University Club of Toronto | Canada |
The University Club of Washington DC | USA |
The Vancouver Club | Canada |
Westmoreland Club | USA |
White's | England |
The Yale Club of New York City | USA |
The York Club | Canada |
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